strane knjige

strane knjige

strane knjige Ima 10 stavki.

Prikazuje 1 - 10 of 10 stavki
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    37,00 KM Na skladištu

    The entries in this book were written by Krleža while traveling to Russia in October 1924, immediately after Lenin's death.  His journey by rail lasted six months and gave him a unique insight into the circumstances that prevailed in the then young creation of the Soviet Union at the transition to the Stalinist form of oppression.

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    39,70 KM Na skladištu

    In April 2019, the publisher Yale University Press published another edition of Marcus Tanner's book "Croatia: A History from the Middle Ages to the Present Day", which can be used - among other things - to illustrate one of the external views of Croatian history.

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    30,50 KM Rasprodano

    In this book of exceptional strength, you will find 12 very simple, but deep and wise rules that will help you put your thoughts, your personality and your home in order, and by working on your own improvement, you will also improve the whole world. "12 Rules for Life" is a book that fundamentally shakes modern accepted views, and will transform and...

    30,50 KM
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    29,00 KM Rasprodano

    Spontaneity and non-obligation are the main features of this spiritual diary, which includes a wide range of life and multiple realities as they overflow in the sensitive poetic consciousness. The book contains incidental notes, diary entries, impressions of an event or meeting, travel notes, sketches for portraits, motifs that will later be elaborated in...

    29,00 KM
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    29,00 KM Rasprodano

    "The bridge on the Drina " is one of the greatest novels by the famous Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian writer Ivo Andrić. It was he who brought him the significant Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961. This historical novel was written in 1945 and chronologically follows the history of the Mehmed-pasha Sokolović Bridge on the Drina River. 

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    30,50 KM Rasprodano

    The Fortress is one of the most significant and fascinating novels to come out of the former Yugoslavia. Published as Tvrdava in Serbian, and among the best-known novels by Mesa Selimovic (1910-1982). In the novel, Ahmet Shabo returns home to Sarajevo from the war in Russia, numbed by the death of nearly his entire military unit.

    30,50 KM
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    29,00 KM Rasprodano

    "Die Brucke uber die Drina" ist einer der größten Romane des berühmten bosnischen, serbischen und kroatischen Schriftstellers Ivo Andrić. Er brachte ihm 1961 den bedeutenden Nobelpreis für Literatur. Dieser historische Roman wurde 1945 geschrieben und folgt chronologisch der Geschichte der Mehmed-pascha-Sokolović-Brücke an der Drina.

    29,00 KM
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    29,00 KM Rasprodano

    Bosnian silence is powerful; it is the major ingredient of that insidious oriental poison which poisons the man of the West. Only those Westerners who were brought to Travnik by chance know how much East they carry with them and how much Travnik has changed their lives. Silence is the last word, the final chord of the novel. Victorious silence.

    29,00 KM
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    194,00 KM Rasprodano

    A beautiful boxed set containing all seven Harry Potter novels in paperback. These new editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It`s time to PASS THE MAGIC ON.

    194,00 KM
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    46,00 KM Na skladištu

    This books explores the importance of collaboration between those working in ECEC and families.It offers both theoretical and practical exploration of collaborating with parents. 

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Prikazuje 1 - 10 of 10 stavki